Tuesday, January 27, 2009

14 Year Old Impersonates Police Officer

CHICAGO – A 14-year-old boy accused of impersonating a police officer and going on patrol has pleaded not guilty.

The teenager appeared in a juvenile courtroom on Monday with his hands cuffed behind his back. A judge ordered that he be held at the juvenile center because he could pose a danger to himself.

On Saturday the teen, wearing an officer's uniform, walked into a police station and was assigned to go on patrol. He partnered with another officer for about five hours before the ruse was discovered.

Police say the boy did not have a gun, never issued any tickets and didn't drive the squad car.

The Rev. Roosevelt Watkins says the boy had lived with him for much of the past year and is fascinated by police work.

I am extremly fascinated by this news story. HOW? How do you impersonate a police officer for 5 hours? How does a 14 year old boy impersonate a police officer?? Why did they not know this was not one of their officers? Anyone want to go to Chicago and impersonate an officer? I have lots of friends there I could have a field day with. There are so many questions I have on this because it seems to show the police as idiots. I know they aren't cause my dad is a cop and I have several friends who are (some actually in Chicago). But really how did this happen? and how for 5 hours?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sleeping Adelaide

Last night went wonderful, which was a complete surprise. Adelaide went to sleep within 15 minutes. Matt was paranoid throughout the night, he kept "hearing" her. Somehow he thinks that Adelaide came to his side of the bed, said something, and then ran back to her room, over the gate, and back to her bed in seconds (reminds me of Rachel "hearing" Isaac). I humored him and said ok, so he would let me go back to sleep. Anyways, she did wake up at 3:23 because her nose was making it hard to sleep. We got her adjusted and it only took 30 minutes to get her to go back to sleep. She woke up this morning and has been a delight to be around.
She did good going down for a nap. She cried at first but went to sleep after 45 minutes. I am hoping it just gets better from here on out.
It's all because of her new Dora sheets!

And I can't forget Stephanie's sleep book (my lifesaver). :D

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Toddler Bed: Take 2

We are going to try to transition Adelaide into the toddler bed again tomorrow. I am finally at the point that I don't know what else to do. We have tried putting her back in the crib with the rail up and down, both were unsuccessful. We bought a side bed rail, which worked great for 2 days. Those 2 days she slept WONDERFUL and was a delight to be around the next day. Then she learned to climb over and bye-bye sweet Adelaide. There is one place she will sleep, her pack n play. She can climb over it but choses not to. Why not let her sleep in there? Because she is a brat! Even though she is sleeping in there she doesn't seem to be getting a good quality sleep.
Today I let her pick out her own sheets, they are Dora. Stephanie let me borrow a book on sleeping, which I have read nearly all of already. We are taking all the little steps we need to and are getting ready for tomorrow night. YAY! I figure since I am pregnant and already not sleeping through the night, her not sleeping through the night won't bother me too much.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Swivel Sweeper

The greatest thing EVER! I absolutely love my new Swivel Sweeper. So let's say Adelaide makes a big mess with crackers, crumbs everywhere. Well instead of taking out the big old vacuum, I just grab my 2 pound Swivel Sweeper and BAM it's gone. I don't have to grab my nasty broom and dust pan anymore, just my Swivel Sweeper.
Love at first sight!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Wedding Day

I had started this blog the day after, but never got around to posting it.
I'm married, I'm Matt's wife, Mrs. Sandra Blanchard. Ahh, it's all crazy to say.
The day started with me not being able to sleep, not a big surprise there. I realized that morning why you should not live with someone before you marry them, because you won't want to. "Honey, where's my ___" "Can you get my ___" "I can't find my ___" Of course I was trying to get myself, Addie, and apparently Matt all ready at the same time, so Matt ended up 30 minutes late for work. Luckily I was able to go to the awesome Rachel's house and get ready. I ended up doing nothing to my hair because of the rain and because I ended up not having enough time (thanks Matt).
Anyways... I got all prettied and picked up Matt. After we got there and walked through the pouring rain; we found my grandparents, dad, step-mom, and best friend there. My dad knew the judge, so she didn't charge us, YIPPEE! She was really friendly and nice, she played with Adelaide a bunch. I laughed the during the whole ceremony (jitters). My best friend took pictures (that I look like a drowned rat in) and we ended up redoing our kiss. Oh and not even half way through Adelaide decided she wanted her mommy.

Matt ended up taking off the whole day, after he was harassed at work about it. We got my license changed, ate lunch at Chili's, and rented some movies. We bought steaks and such for dinner and Matt poured us soda in our flutes.
It was nice to just spend the day with the most important people ever.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Something about 4's

I looked at our marriage license and noticed we got it at 4:44pm. We are getting married on 01/05/09, which if you add 4 to each number you get the next (1+4=5)(5+4=9). I know I am looking into this too much, but oh well.
Tuesday I got my ring, YAY! I love it when you know people. My best friend worked at Gordon's and talked to one of her old co-workers, who worked her magic so that I could get my ring and band that night. Matt found his but we had to order it, so I am praying it comes in tomorrow or Saturday.

I am ready to have this wedding thing done. I still need to get my hair cut, figure out how my non-styling butt is going to style it, get the rest of myself pretty (toes, fingers, and the bushes I call eyebrows). Let's not forget something to wear, shopping for dinner, and whatever else I am forgetting. I am really excited I just wish I had one more week and that Adelaide would cooperate fully. It is nice to think that by this time next week I will be Mrs. Sandra Blanchard.
Adelaide decided to play with the wii tonight and not in a good way, she shoved stickers into the driver. We have only had the thing for a few days. Luckily, we bought it at Wal-mart and you know they will take back ANYTHING! They had none in stock so going to Wal-mart tomorrow is something else on my list.