Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Adelaide was such a good girl about giving up the binky we decided she deserved a reward, a tricycle. We bought her a cute, gender neutral one yesterday and Matt put it together when he got home. We also got her some cute Sesame Street knee and elbow pads along with a helmet. I tried all day to get her to wear the helmet and she wouldn't go near it, as soon as I told her she had to wear it to get on her bike she put it on without a fuss. The tricycle is slightly to tall but she can still reach the pedals, all together she is managing to play with it just fine. I know she will go throw a growth spurt soon, so I am not worried. Now we just have to teach her to use the pedals.

So, I still don't like Providence but we are going to make things work for the next few months at least. Matt is just going to sign up for on-call in 4 hour shifts, 3 days a month, M-F. So he will just work after he gets off of Hillcrest. Ahhh!!! One day he will have a normal schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Addie looks like such a big girl!! I bet she loves it.
